
Unique investor platform and consulting for real estate and real asset investments of institutional investors.

Investment Group

Real Impact in Real Asset Investments.

The Institutional Investment Group (2IG) is one of the leading independent investor platforms for real estate and real asset investments in Germany and Europe. With its two business divisions Investor Solutions Division and Asset Servicing Division, 2IG specialises in services for institutional real estate funds under German and Luxembourg law.

With more than 350 employees, 2IG administrates over 40 billion euros of real estate assets in approximately 25 countries, making it a market leader in the administration of real estate assets.

We are 100% independent of banks, insurance companies, other professional property owners and asset managers.


The Investor Solutions Division

The Investor Solutions Division combines all the services of 2IG, which are aimed directly at institutional investors. In addition to Institutional Investment Partners (2IP) as Master KVG in Germany and Luxembourg, Institutional Investment Consulting Partners (2ICP) advises on institutional investments in real estate and real estate-related assets.

We see ourselves as a perfect partner for institutional investors and raise real estate investment to a new level of quality with our unique solutions.

Our Services

Excellence in administration through the 100% transparent approach: we share the conviction that transparency creates confidence and considerably reduces risks in real estate investing. However, this requires refined processes, IT systems which are tailored perfectly to real estate investments and extensive know-how about real estate and investment structures. Institutional Investment Partners combines all this in its leading investor platform.

The Investor Master Fund (IMF)

The Investor Master Fund (IMF) was developed in-house and is aimed primarily at investors who want to make no compromises in process or performance risks. More information…

The Investor Club Fund (ICF)

Our Investor Club Fund (ICF) is aimed specifically at institutional investors interested in indirect real estate investments in the form of multi-investor funds.  More information…

Fund of Funds

With our classical fund of funds approach, we offer institutional investors an excellent solution for combining a wide range of differing real estate investment vehicles within a fund of funds management company, which usually concentrates on the administrative activities of investment management. More information…

Outstanding 360° consulting: Comprehensive consulting in the real estate asset class requires a high degree of specialist knowledge and customer orientation. We bring both with us and support institutional investors in all decisions along the life cycle of their real estate investment.

Strategic Portfolio Planning & Research

Strategic underpinning of investments through independent research ensures an optimal portfolio setup.

Asset Managers & ProductsEfficient strategy implementation through the selection of suitable asset managers and tailor-made investment products.
Investment Analysis & OptimisationMinimising risks and costs through professional support of investment decisions.
Investment ControllingEfficient management and control of investments with custom built tools.

What We Stand For

100% Real Estate & Real Assets


Institutional Investment Partners concentrates fully on the real estate asset class and real estate-related real assets such as investments in the fields of renewable energies and infrastructure.

100% Real Estate Competence


Our competencies in real estate materialise across the spectrum of the investment, so it is natural that we also have solid expertise in the fields of liquidity, financing, and currency management. We act according to our company´s guiding principle Refining Investments, in order to get the best out of real estate investments for our clients.

100% Best-in-Class


Achieving this requires not only excellent quality and professionalism from our employees but also the conviction that success in real estate investment – apart from the decisions relating directly to the real estate – is determined essentially by effectiveness and efficiency in all processes in the value chain.

Our Vision

Institutional Investment Partners aims to play a leading role in the ongoing development and improvement of (indirect) real estate investments for institutional investors.

Our passion is real estate as an asset class, which is why we are committed to its further professionalization and seamless integration into the digitized portfolio management of institutional investors.

Our Values

Partnership behaviour is one of our most important values. A partnership requires fairness, respect, trust and mutual understanding, but also constructive criticism - open and honest.
Sustainability as well as long-term thinking and acting are basic principles for us as an owner-managed company. This also means that we deal transparently with all risks and opportunities, analyse them and examine them carefully, but also act just as consistently and quickly after a decision has been made.
It is important to us that the inner conviction that we want to achieve something outstanding in an innovative company and to constantly improve is the decisive motivator for the success of our work.
Because we want to make a difference in our business areas and achieve our ambitious goals, we attach great importance to coordinated behaviour, process effectiveness and efficiency. The best and most motivated employees can only achieve a great deal if their individual performance is combined.
We are of the opinion that this is the only way to apply Aristotle's quote "The whole is more than the sum of its parts" and to achieve the best performance as a company.
We are committed to creating value for our clients by continually improving their real estate investment and the underlying IT and data processes.
This can only be achieved through a high degree of competence. Professional excellence in conjunction with congruent management and behavioural principles should be the central building block of our joint success with our customers.


Professional Articles & Interwiews

Entspannung bei Beschaffungskosten – Impuls für den Ausbau Erneuerbarer Energien?20241028175024

Entspannung bei Beschaffungskosten – Impuls für den Ausbau Erneuerbarer Energien?

28. Oktober 2024
Entspannung bei Beschaffungskosten – Impuls für den Ausbau Erneuerbarer Energien? Beitrag von Dr. Andreas Peppel auf ASSETPHYSICS: Mit Maßnahmenpaketen – wie dem Solarpaket I – zielt die deutsche Bundesregierung auf eine klimaneutrale Stromversorgung ab. Bereits bis zum Jahr 2030 soll der Anteil erneuerbarer Energien am Bruttostromverbrauch auf 80 Prozent ansteigen, Mitte 2024 lag dieser Wert [&he...
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Dachfonds: Administration und Steuerung von Immobilien- und Alternative-Investment-Anlagen

7. Mai 2024
Die indirekte Anlage in illiquide Assets hat in der zurückliegenden Dekade an Umfang und inhaltlicher Komplexität zugenommen, teils in gravierendem Ausmaß. Dr. Gabriele Lange und Tobias Moroni erläutern in ihrem Fachbeitrag in der Mai-Ausgabe des Absolut | report, wie institutionelle Anleger mit wirkungsvoller Steuerung ihr Portfoliomanagement weiterentwickeln....
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Energieeffizienz als Risikofaktor

19. April 2024
Das Magazin Portfolio Institutionell zitiert in dem aktuellen Beitrag "Energieeffizienz als Risikofaktor" Jörg Homann, Managing Partner von Institutional Investment Partners, und andere Experten zu den Auswirkungen von Nachhaltigkeitsrisiken für institutionelle Immobilieninvestoren und deren Umgang mit diesen....


+49 (0)69 484 485 500


Institutional Investment
Institutional Investment Partners GmbHInstitutional Investment Consulting Partners GmbHBrüsseler Straße 1-3
60327 Frankfurt am Main
Institutional Investment Partners S.à r.l.13A, Fausermillen
L-6689 Mertert | Luxembourg